
When to start weaning

When to start weaning can vary from one child to another. Signs that your baby may be ready to start weaning include:

  1. Showing interest in solid foods.  Can they pick food up and put it in their mouth themselves?
  2. Being able to sit up and hold their head – Your child needs to be able to sit holding their head up.
  3. Can they swallow food instead of spitting it out?

The Weaning Process

It’s recommended to begin with small amounts of single-ingredient pureed fruit and vegetables.

 1. Introduce one new food at a time.  This allows you to monitor your child for any allergic reactions or sensitivities.

2. Gradually introduce different flavours and textures. As your baby becomes more comfortable with eating, you can gradually increase the variety and texture of foods.

3. Allow them to explore and experiment with different tastes and textures at their own pace.

3 Tips for a Successful Weaning Journey

1. Embrace the mess!  Weaning is a new experience for your baby, give them time to explore through touch as well as taste.

2. Encourage your baby to eat a selection of new flavours and textures hopefully they will be less of a fussy toddler and older child at mealtimes.

3. Ask for advice and support from health professionals, friends, and family if you need it.

What will you need to start weaning?

  1. A Highchair
  2. Spoons
  3. Ice cube trays – use these to prepare the pureed food.
  4. Bibs
  5. Plastic bowls
  6. First Sippy cup

Knowing your baby is ready for weaning is the first of many new milestones in your baby’s life.  As with all new things it can be a time of trial and error.  It can take your baby up to 10 times to try something before they know whether they truly like it. There will be days where they eat loads and days where they refuse to eat any of it. That’s ok. Stay patient, top up with milk when needed.  You’re doing a great job.

Still need more advice, click here for the NHS Guide

Sitter Sessions

Now your baby is sitting unaided, it’s the perfect time to book your Sitter Session in my Whitchurch studio. I am located just 20 minutes from Basingstoke, Andover and Newbury. A Sitter Session is a photo shoot where we celebrate the milestone of your baby sitting unaided but not yet walking.  We sing, we clap, and we use a variety of props to create timeless portraits of your baby’s growing personality.


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