
Things women worry about before Labour Day.

I am a newborn photorgapher in Hampshire and I hear lots of birth stories when I meet new babies and new parents at their newborn shoot.
I recently asked my lovely Facebook followers what worried them in the run-up to having their baby… and there are some here that parents are too embarrassed to ask their friends or midwives! So I thought I’d put together a blog post to help yo uall out, and to share a few of my own stories too! 
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be a worrying time, especially for first time Mums.
Here are 5 things ladies including myself worried about Labour Day.
6 month baby girl sat side ways with her head facing camera wearing a white and pink floral vest smiling at the camera


We all know labour hurts, and is hard work. It’s in the name, really! New mums love to share their labour story and its rarely told with a positive spin. I was very worried I wouldn’t be able to cope with the pain of labour – a pinch hurts me – I’m very dramatic! But our bodies are designed for this and it’s amazing how breathing and keeping focussed really helps. Listen to the midwives, they only want the best for you, you will get through it, you will have your own labour story to share, failing that TAKE THE PAIN RELIEF that’s offered! There’s nothing to be ashamed of – work your way through the options until you find something that works for you. 

baby girl in side lay pose


Our bodies are amazing machines, the things it does every day without us even realising it just to keep us alive is incredible. I realised after giving birth to Grace, my eldest. My body knew exactly what to do throughout the whole of labour. The only thing I had to do was get my head to stay in line with my body and to trust the process.

Did you know that women in a coma are capable of giving birth naturally? Your body will push the baby out without you being aware of it! It’s amazing really. Trust your body and it will let you know what to do, and when. 

Backlit image of mum, dad and baby with mum and dad looking down on a sleeping baby by Newborn Photographer in Hampshire
little girl holding bay brother


This thought had me in tears towards the end of my pregnancy with Isla. I loved Grace so much that I could not even begin to imagine having enough room in my heart to love another baby the same way. I was so worried at the idea that suddenly Grace would be sharing me. But the truth is I did love another child as much as I love Grace. It was very different, the birth experience, the rush of emotions after. Even now the relationship I have with both children feels very different. But! The love is as strong for both.


My Mum told me how in the 70’s the nurses shaved you when you went into labour day – well that just sounds mortifying! I was getting self-conscious. I googled; I asked anonymously in baby groups. Did you know you can get a pre labour wax done. OMG! I’m not sure I can get that waxed not pregnant ha ha. I asked my midwife whilst having a sweep, and she said, I don’t care how well-groomed you are, I care about getting your baby out safely.
The truth is, nurses don’t care, they’ve seen it in all shapes and sizes, a vajazzle, the Hollywood, the Brazilian or the natural look. They just want you comfortable and to bring a healthy baby into the world.
If you book yourself in for the wax, let me know how you get on lol
Mum, Dad and Baby Dressed in white by Newborn Photographer in Hampshire
8 month old baby boy sitting ona vintage suitcase witha vintage brown bear smiling at the camera

5. What if I poop in labour?

Pooping whilst we push is a common Labour Fear. Let’s face it the 2 areas are very close together. There is a 50% chance of pooping whilst giving birth. That means 1 in 2 of us were probably pooped on the moment we were born ha ha the irony of this is not lost on me.

If you poop, the midwives will not tell you, they will clear it up and won’t even flinch. They are medical professionals and deal with this natural bodily function on a regular basis

Its ok and there is no shame in it. And you probably won’t even notice if you do! 
newborn photo shoot boy dressed in autumn colours in a bucket by Newborn Photographer in Hampshire

Labour is a worrying time, especially if you haven’t done it before. But remember, our bodies are designed for this. Believe in yourself, breath through the contractions and focus on how amazing that first cuddle is going to be.

As a newborn photographer in Whitchurch, Hampshire, I love to hear all your labour stories! I’m pretty much unshockable now – so feel free to share all the detail with me when I photograph your new baby, if you want to!


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